To improve security this site is passwordless. A one time use login link wil be sent to your email. This link expires in 15 minutes. All data will be assocated with the email address you send a login link to.
Below is the best overall ROI for each stock's options across all strikes and expirations. Use a negative "Moneyness From" to look at ITM options.
Below is the best ROI per day for each stock's options across all strikes and expirations. Use a negative "Moneyness From" to look at ITM options.
Below is the best overall ROI for each stock's options across all strikes and expirations. Use a negative "Moneyness From" to look at ITM options.
Below is the best ROI per day for each stock's options across all strikes and expirations. Use a negative "Moneyness From" to look at ITM options.
The "My Symbols" list is a way to collect symbols that are auto scanned into one list.
To save symbols and view them in the "My Symbols" list you'll need to login. Then click on the star icon next to symbols in the ROI searches.
Patreon subscribers contributing up to $4/month can add 5 custom symbols. At $5/month or more you can add 2 symbols for each $1 of your monthly contribution up to 20 total.
Find the best ROI for selling {{grids.symbolData.searchCrit.Type == 'put' ? 'cash-secured puts' : 'covered calls'}} across all strikes and expirations. Use a negative "Moneyness From" to look at ITM options.
Using this tool you can track your options trades including sold puts, sold calls as well as regular puts and calls.
Quickly gain insight into how your trades are performing. With data on expected ROI and current ROI you'll be able to better identify options that can be left open, need to be closed or rolled.
These tools are free and can only exist with site supporters.
To get started you'll need to Login
Symbol | Moneyness | Type | Cost Basis | Option Last | Expected ROI | Current ROI |
FUBO | 5% OTM | Sold Put | 2.50 | 1.50 | 9% | 3.5% |
SOFI | 9% OTM | Sold Put | 1.20 | 0.60 | 6% | 3% |
TSLA | -3% ITM | Sold Call | 38.00 | 63.00 | 4.5% | -3% |
SQ | 8% OTM | Sold Call | 12 | 4.5 | 4.8% | 3% |
This site is all about helping you find the best ROI for option selling to maximize your profits. By logging your trades you can track how well you are meeting your goals.
Twitter: @{{grids.optionTrack.publicviewTwitter}}
This list is generated by scanning high IV stocks from Swaggy Stocks FD Rankr periodically. Check the updated date for the last update. To view more recent options data check the Symbol Search or click a symbol in the grid.
This list is generated by scanning Wall Street Bets most mentioned stocks via the Swaggy Stocks Wall Street Bets Ticker Sentiment page periodically. Check the updated date for the last update. To view more recent options data check the Symbol Search or click a symbol in the grid.
Delta measures how much an option will shift in relation to changes in the price of the underlying stock.
For a put delta will range between -1 and 0. If a put option has a delta of -0.5 then the price of the option will increase $0.50 for each $1 the underlying stock goes down.
For a call delta will range between 0 and 1. If a call option has a delta of 0.5 then the price of the option will increase $0.50 for each $1 the underlying stock rises.
As options move futher in the money the delta will move closer to 1 (calls) or -1 (puts) and the option price will move in step with the underlying stock.
The "My Symbols" list is a way to collect symbols that are auto scanned into one list.
To save symbols and view them in the "My Symbols" list you'll need to login. Then click on the star icon next to symbols in the ROI searches.
Patreon subscribers contributing up to $4/month can add 5 custom symbols. At $5/month or more you can add 2 symbols for each $1 of your monthly contribution up to 20 total.
*Chart data for closed positions only
*ROI on open trades are based on the last price of the option if available. If the last option price is not available a value of 0 is assumed for options you sold and your cost basis for options you bought.
Type | Trades | Capital Used |
Profit/Premium | Other Profit/Loss |
Avg ROI |
Cash Secured Puts | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} |
Covered Calls | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} |
Puts | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} |
Calls | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} |
Total | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} | {{}} |
New symbols that are not already auto scanned will count towards your custom "my symbol" limit.
Patreon subscribers can add 2 custom symbols for each $1 of their monthly contribution up to 10 total. So if you are a $5 / month Patreon subscriber you can add up to the max of 10 custom symbols.
After signing up on Patreon you will be notified once access to "My Symbols" has been added.